\u201cPaul and the Dragon\u201d is a powerful 25 minute video created to help children understand the world of childhood cancer in a safe way, with humor but also with truth. Through watching Paul\u2019s battle with his dragon, the child with cancer will understand that scary things will happen to them as they fight their \u201ccancer-dragon.\u201d But they will also learn that the doctors, nurses and even the blue \u201cmedication-men\u201d and purple \u201cchemo-blobs\u201d that sometimes make them feel sick, are really there to help them beat their cancer. This Video\u00a0is also helpful for siblings, family and friends of the child diagnosed with cancer. They too are often afraid of what is happening and they may not know what questions to ask. \u201cPaul and the Dragon\u201d can help adults explain a very complicated world in a way children can understand.<\/p>\r\n\t