How Hayley Arceneaux Became the World’s First Pediatric Cancer Survivor to Visit Space

On September 15, 2021, Hayley Arceneaux rocketed into orbit around the earth on the first all-civilian orbital space mission. The crew successfully water-landed three days later. As if that wasn’t epic enough, Hayley made even more history by becoming the youngest American to orbit the Earth, the first pediatric cancer survivor in space, and the first person to launch into space with a prosthetic body part.

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Hockey dream comes true in Montreal for teen battling leukemia

Thirteen-year-old Jules Aouizerate has been playing hockey for most of his life. Aouizerate, who was diagnosed with leukemia four years ago, lives in France but always dreamed of coming to Canada because of his love for the sport. That dream came true this week thanks to Team Canada’s Men’s Masters Hockey team. The teen made the journey to Montreal to train with the pros and meet his hockey heroes.

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Qu’est-ce que l’immunothérapie?

France, 2021

La traversée de Jim

Cardyn, Alia et Nathaniel H'limi

France, 2024

C’est quoi une ponction lombaire?



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